For you

You beautiful little human.
You amazing, wonderful person.
You are the strongest person I know. And I know that none of the words that I am writing right now will ever be able to describe how much of an amazing person you are, but I'm going to do it anyway.

January, 2017.
School had started again. Over Christmas I had acquired a bunch of good things - merchandise, to be exact. With my new phone case snapped over my phone, and my new pencil case buried in my bag, I went through the school day. I walked into the science classroom, quickly bringing out my phone to see if I had any notifications.
"I like your phone case!" I heard a bright and bubbly voice say. Then began the happiest conversation I'd had in many a year. Noticing we had almost every lesson together, conversations began to happen almost all the time, and we would walk from lesson to lesson together, and very quickly a friendship sprung, I had felt a click that I had never felt before. It was at that time that I remember thinking - "There is somebody who talks to me through choice, not force."

I don't think I'll forget that click.

I remember you taking me to be with you with open arms when my old friends began to notice I was with you more. They didn't like it - but I did. I loved how kind you were to me, how you didn't point out my flaws like they did, how you spoke to me like I was more than just your babysitter. And so there it was, the best friendship I have ever had, and probably ever will.

You are so amazing. I fucking love you to bits. I love your hair and the blonde ombre that is so beautiful. I love your blue eyes and how they shine when you laugh. I love your smile when we send each other into fits of laughter, going completely insane in public and in private. I love how strong you are, how god damn amazing you are to be the person you are right now. I just love you - the way you message me at 2am with random messages, the way that you're snapchatting me as I write this, a 10 second picture of you, tongue sticking out, eyes scrunched up.

And there you have it. My best friend. The most amazing person I know. I love you, and everything you will ever be. The bond we is something I never want to lose. And in the future, I want to keep your number, I want to stay in touch with you. I want to visit you on weekends, so we can laugh about things that have happened in the past week, take the piss out of old school mates that now work full time at Subway. I want to keep seeing your smile. Don't you ever leave me.

Anyway, I have to go.

I'm having a nice conversation with you right now.

I don't want to miss it.

Me and you.

Against the world.



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