
i’m going back again
it’s happening again and i don’t know how i’m going to cope
i wish i had someone who could hold me 
someone who could kiss me and tell me everything is going to be okay, because they’re here and they’re not leaving 
i wish i didn’t keep slipping into this 
this empty hole 
it’s dark and lonely down here and no one can hear me cry
but i like it because i can cry and no one will know 
i don’t want anyone to know 
it makes them unhappy and i don’t like that 
i just want to be happy without bothering anyone for happiness 
i hate having to latch myself onto people who will eventually leave 
people always leave because they find someone who isn’t broken 
does anyone even read these anymore
i like being able to say how i feel without people telling me something’s wrong 
i don’t like not being able to cry before it gets dark so that my family don’t see
i hate being so dramatic and dumb and feeling like this 
i shouldn’t feel like this and i hate it 
i hate it.
i wish someone would tell me it’s okay to cry 
wipe away my tears 
kiss my cheek and hold me 
can someone teach me how to love 
i want to know what it’s like to miss someone’s face 
to want them to be there so you can see it 
and feel it
kiss it
love it
i wish someone felt that way about me. 
i hate this 
i feel so stupid 
so dramatic

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